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New posts in maven-assembly-plugin

maven assembly plugin dependencySet with transitive dependencies

How to exclude a resource file in a Maven assembly?

Build maven assembly in java 8

How to make jetty-maven-plugin deploy a war that is retrieved from a repository?

What's the correct place to store assembly files in Maven?

Maven Assembly Plugin is executed on child projects


spark - Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver

Maven doesn't attach non-archived files with mavenAssemblyPlugin

Maven assembly plugin: how to include provided dependencies of transitive dependencies

Is there an assembly id property in a Maven assembly?

Relative directories don't seem to work with filesets in maven assembly descriptors. Any way to do this?

Gradle equivalent of Maven Assembly

Maven assembly plugin not applying fileMode on unpacked dependencySet

Maven: Is it possible to create a fat jar containing only dependencies and a jar with only application code?

Builds for different platforms the Maven way

Apache maven-assembly-plugin or maven-dependency-plugin when foreign jars are needed in runtime [closed]

How to stop INFO level log in maven assembly plugin

Maven - 'all' or 'parent' project for aggregation?

Deploying assembly package with maven-release-plugin