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New posts in maven-dependency-plugin

Build maven jar from classes no java source

Can I remove jar from local repository without pom.xml?

'Dependency not found' with release 17 while analyzing

Dependency in Maven

How to output a simple list of Maven dependencies

maven-dependency-plugin ignores outputDirectory configuration

Maven assembly plugin: how to include provided dependencies of transitive dependencies

maven-dependency-plugin generates duplicate files in jar-with-dependencies.jar file

Apache maven-assembly-plugin or maven-dependency-plugin when foreign jars are needed in runtime [closed]

Why does Maven use the wrong plugin despite explicit plugin and pluginManagement version?

Maven-dependency-plugin and annotations with SOURCE RetentionPolicy

Local Maven Dependency project is referenced as a class folder instead of a jar

Delete old artifact version before copy dependencies

maven: copy resource from dependent jar to target folder

Struggling to import maven dependency from SourceForge

How to make maven use credentials when executing dependency plugin from command line

Display omitted versions in maven dependency:tree?