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New posts in maven-dependency-plugin

Maven remove version from dependency jar

download of a Maven artifact with dependencies from Nexus using the command line

Maven: Extract dependency resources before test

How can I get a maven build to fail on duplicate dependencies?

Downloading all plugin dependencies from a maven project

maven-dependency-plugin:unpack fails in Eclipse

Maven: download artifact and its deps to a specific directory

How do I strip subdirectories when using maven dependency plugin

Maven 2.1 dependency:analyze. Transitive dependencies: Used undeclared dependencies found

maven-dependency-plugin, copy-dependencies: exclude some artifact ids and their dependencies

How To Add Maven Dependency (Android Studio)

destFileName not used by maven-dependency-plugin?

Spring boot core dependencies seen as unused by maven-dependency-plugin

Is there a way to divide artifacts between test and compile using the maven-dependency-plugin during the copy-dependencies goal?

Maven archiver uses unlocked snapshots in classpath, but copy-dependencies copy locked snapshots

Maven - Multiple artifact versions in dependency management

maven-dependency-plugin:unpack Error

Unpack files from jar if jar is used, copy then extracted files to a directory

Suppress Maven Dependency Plugin's "Unused declared dependencies found" warnings