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New posts in dependency-management

How download maven artifact from remote repository to local folder?

Can't find crate for `rayon`

Ivy doesn't find my artifact in filesystem

ivy dependency-management

Scalatest and scalamock - dependency trouble involving SuiteMixin

Common Lisp: asdf depends-on specific version

Gradle : How to ignore failure to resolve a specific dependency

Exclude a specific dependency from springBoots `bootJar` gradle task

What are the similarities, differences and tradeoffs between Ivy, Maven and Archiva?

Maven:how to check which jars are not being used at all

Dependency in Maven

Add all jars in a repository as dependencies in IntelliJ

How can I download and reference a single artifact in Gradle?

Which pom dependency should I use for jar commons-lang.jar

Play framework 2: Eclipse cant detect jBCrypt as project dependency

How does composer deal with shared dependencies by multiple packages within one project?

Maven2 sharing dependencies across parent and children (without redeclaring dependencies in children)

Circular dependencies between classes: why they are bad and how to get rid of them? [closed]

React Cannot Start Project - 'craco' is not recognized as an internal or external command