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New posts in maven-2

Failed to read artifact descriptor for maven-resources-plugin

When plugin goal is executed: before or after declared phase?

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/ConnectionReuseStrategy:

java maven-2

Maven: How to read the Parent POM version

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Why can't maven find a plugin?

What is the format of the Maven Surefire plug-in <include> statement?

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Maven2: How to be sure Maven build is using a specific plugin version?

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Can Nexus/Artifactory store a copy of an internet Maven artifact?

maven ${user.home} not being resolved correctly

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Getting Nexus to download dependencies from a repository with no .index file

spring - hibernate load *.hbm.xml from classpath resource

maven build error

Meta-profiles in Maven

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Maven: How to test two modules with the same tests in a third module

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In Maven 2, is it possible to specify a mirror for everything, but allow for failover to direct repositories?

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How can I get nexus to proxy springsource maven repository on s3?

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How to prevent mvn jetty:run from executing test phase?

Create pom.xml file

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Can Eclipse ignore .cvsignore files when synchronizing with a CVS repository?

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Hudson and Maven tests run twice

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