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New posts in maven-2

Why do a lot of Maven dependency versions end with SNAPSHOT?

java maven-2 maven

Check maven version in pom.xml

maven maven-2

maven: Error transferring file: Connection refused: connect

maven maven-2

how to list all maven profiles defined in project including all sub modules?

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Starting external process during integration testing in maven

How to create a release package with maven?

java maven-2

How to pass in credentials when connecting to sonatype nexus (anonymous login disabled)?

How to send out email notification for Maven build

Cleanest way to get a File in a JUnit test case from Maven

java maven-2 junit

maven-assembly-plugin and ar archives


If the dependency is a unique snapshot version and install is called, what does maven select?

maven-2 snapshot

Hibernate-annotations 3.4.0.GA and slf4j?

Include file from another subversion repository in my maven assembly

svn maven-2 maven-plugin

Set Maven repository directory

maven-2 hudson

What are the correct group and artifact ids for Java EE 5 and 6 artifacts?

java maven-2 jakarta-ee maven

How to disable antrun if certain file already exists?

Cryptic jetty-maven-plugin error message 'ERROR: PWC6117: File "null" not found'

Is the maven-native-plugin widely used to build C++ projects using maven?

javadoc for package-info.java only

java maven-2 javadoc package

What frameworks to use to bootstrap my first production scala project?

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