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How to auto update versions in application.xml after maven release

java xml maven ear snapshot

Swift & Firebase | Checking if a user exists with a username

If the dependency is a unique snapshot version and install is called, what does maven select?

maven-2 snapshot

boto - copy snapshot to another region

Is it possible to reject publish if SNAPSHOT dependencies are used in SBT?

iPhone snapshot including keyboard

How do I cure "Can't release project due to non released dependencies" when releasing a child module?

Why does removing almost all objects from dom not result in lower memory?

How to take snapshot of RTSP streaming using LibVLC for Android

How to save&load a snapshot of an Android app state?

Possibility of taking snapshot of AWS EMR cluster or namenode

distcp failing with error "No space left on device"

Why Maven Versions Plugin (versions:use-latest-versions) not updating/changing -SNAPSHOT version to release (none -SNAPSHOT version)?

moving Cassandra snapshots to a different disk/server/datacenter

cassandra backup snapshot

Creating quick snapshots of a repository (git?)

git snapshot

Taking snapshots of the webpage while unit testing using phantomjs and jasmine

What does the name SNAPSHOT in jar mean? / What's wrong with *snapshot*.jars?