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log4j2 configuration

visual studio 2010 : "ConfigurationGeneral" rule is missing from the project

Why are only some modeline settings being applied in Vim?

vim configuration

Mesa3D install can't find libdrm

configuration mesa

How to configure tcpdf when installing with Composer?

How can I create a ClassLoader from a custom configuration in gradle?

Is there any way to change the Celery config programmatically, after app init?

Wechat : OAuth with test account

php oauth configuration wechat

Load external environment parameters in Symfony 3.2 using env() at runtime return unresolved values

How to show a summary of the last puppet agent run?

configuration config puppet

Software Deployment in a Virtual Environment

What is the difference between .resx and .config files in .NET?

Convention over configuration with Spring MVC using ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping?

c# simple non-xml config files?

Common, reusable iPhone-App configuration screen

Why did my WPF 3.5 app gain an app.config file when I changed the target framework to 4.0?

How to populate different Info.plists for different configurations in Xcode

How to limit the number of Installations on a Setup package

How to access databases from within Delphi XE Professional IDE?

How to configure IIS 7.5 to run multiple websites on localhost