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New posts in configuration

Merging default configuration with user options

Non-XML version of <cache:annotation-driven />

How to Manage Client Specific Configuration

Symfony2: updating just one vendor bundle

helloworld.c fails to compile with 100+ errors

redis.conf include: "Bad directive or wrong number of arguments"

configuration redis

Where to put Symfony2 custom parameters I need?

Linux Mint trigger slowly query on mysql on system booting

How to tell nginx to redirect all pages of the website to root? [closed]

Grails external configuration (datasource) with multiple environments

How to use wildcards when searching for resources in Java-based Spring configuration?

java spring configuration

Setup H2 in Server Mode using Java Based Configuration

Sections must only appear once per config file

HTTP 500 using FallbackResource and mass vhost config

Change apache config file value from bash script

Gradle custom task only applied to certain subprojects?

Spring configurable, high performance, metered http client instances

How to read from an .ini file?

c configuration ini

Cordova 5.3.1 and iOS9 platform - I can't load images and scripts form external sources

ios cordova configuration

How to check current size of the ealastisearch queues defined in threadpool.XXX.queue_size?