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New posts in apache-httpcomponents

How can I retry using DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler(HTTPClient) when SocketException occurs during SSL communication on java 11?

Spring configurable, high performance, metered http client instances

What Java properties to pass to a Java app to authenticate with a http proxy

set number of retries with HttpAsyncClients

Apache Http Client - Stop Removing Double Slashes from URL

HttpClient Connection pool shut down

Mock Apache HTTPClient with ResponseHandler in Mockito

Cannot get 'location' header in response using HttpClient

Configuring SSL in Apache HttpAsyncClient

Recommended Set-Cookie Version used by web servers (0, 1, or 2)

how do i create and post a multipart/mixed http request using Apache HttpComponentst?

Unsupported record version SSLv2Hello using CloseableHttpClient

Java HttpClient seems to be caching content

In httpclient what is the most elegant/correct way to turn HttpEntity to a String?

HTTP authentication with Apache HTTP Components: force sending of challenge

How to set RequestBody for Http Delete method.