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New posts in http-authentication

web browser control + authentication

How to make an HTTP authenticated service call with Olingo (Odata)

Send user credentials in aiohttp request

How open a url with http authentication in Delphi?

Authenticating HTTP request through URL

Destroying $_SERVER session?

NTLM authentication for a web server side application

c++ c ntlm http-authentication

Complete guide to pass credentials to a server via HTTP auth and getting response back

angularjs basic authentication headers

Using --digest option for 'digest authentication' with curl in linux

Authenticating Gitweb with Gitosis without LDAP Auth?

Java: How do I pass parameters to a Webstart Applet?

How to inject http_authorization headers using omniauth and oauth2 in consumer so the authentication occurs in provider?

IIS7 and Authentication problems

Netbeans Basic Http Auth Jax-WS

How do I use libcurl to login to a secure website and get at the html behind the login

Chrome fails to show http authentication window

CakePHP 2 Basic Auth Authentication

HTTP authentication in App Engine Dev Server

HTTP authentication between devise and iphone app