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New posts in cakephp-2.0

beforeFind() add conditions

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Custom Pagination in Cake PHP

php cakephp-2.0 paginator

cakephp-2.0 simplest ajax link with jshelper

Testing redirections CakePHP 2.0

How to send ajax response to Jquery from CakePhp?

Using email instead of username in CakePHP Auth Component

CakePHP - creating an API for my cakephp app

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CakePHP-2.0: difference between using public and var

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When not to use Containable Behavior in CakePhp 2.x

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Install CakePHP Plugin and Helper via Composer

Get the action name of referer url (previous url) in cakephp

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Difference between vendors and app/Vendor on cakephp

Create a form with no relation to a model in cakePHP

CakePHP 2.0 detecting request type is behaving oddly

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What is a CakePHP Behavior?

Adding style to CakePHP automatically created input div

Password Confirm Validation CakePHP

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Cake php and using auth in layout

cakephp cakephp-2.0

Changing password with CakePHP and blowfish

What is the lifecycle of a CakePHP request?