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New posts in delphi-5

Is this FastMM4 Invalid Pointer Exception a bug in FastMM for Delphi 5?

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How to generate a GUID version 1 in Delphi?

delphi uuid guid delphi-5

How can i tell if i'm being called during DLL_PROCESS_DETACH after ExitProcess has been called?

Use Delphi5 in Delphi XE environment

delphi ide delphi-xe delphi-5

Intersection of two strings/ sets

Delphi: Construction not calling overridden virtual constructor

How open a url with http authentication in Delphi?

Delphi 5 - StrToFloat results differntly on WinXP and Win2K

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How to fix Delphi XE3 migration errors?

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How do i construct a WideString with a diacratic in a non-unicode Delphi version?

Retrofitting Windows Event Log to a Delphi 5 app

delphi delphi-5 event-log

Error While using the CopyFile function

delphi delphi-5

Delphi 5 incompatible with library

delphi delphi-5

How to access characters of a WideString by index?

delphi delphi-5 widestring

How do I make my Delphi 5 app display password "blobs"?

windows delphi delphi-5

Delphi 5 component that will automatically add "db.pas" unit to uses clause?

delphi delphi-5 toolsapi

Imagelist with alpha blend icons loses Transparency

DCC32 compiler configuration file and command line parameter precedence

delphi delphi-5 dcc32

Using array of string with default parameter and overload procedure

delphi delphi-5

Converting a string to TDateTime based on an arbitrary format

delphi delphi-5