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New posts in unicode-string

AnsiString as default for type string in Embarcadero C++ Builder?

Converting Unicode objects with non-ASCII symbols in them into strings objects (in Python)

Help me translate Python code which replaces an extension in file name to C++

What issues would come from treating UTF-16 as a fixed 16-bit encoding?

Conversion of UTF-8 char * to CString

Convert Unicode character to NSString

iphone utf-8 unicode-string

How do i construct a WideString with a diacratic in a non-unicode Delphi version?

Removing all Emojis from Text

Convert between string, u16string & u32string using libstdc++

Which syntax for Unicode strings in VC++?

Prob. on Hebrew encoding

Unicode special character not displaying in label

Displaying a unicode text in C#

linking error: undefined reference to icu_50::UnicodeString::UnicodeString()

unicode datas of a dataframe to strings

Appending UnicodeString to WideString in Delphi

Arabic characters don't show in excel VBA code

How can I make fixed-length Delphi strings use wide characters?

PHP convert double quoted string to single quoted string

php unicode-string