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Is this Unicode NFC conversion correct?

How to get the default currency from the PHP Intl ( ICU library )

php locale currency icu intl

Deploying a Qt project without ICU dependencies

c++ qt deployment unicode icu

Does ICU handle the collation of a list of strings of varying languages?

Compiling ICU for Android - 'uint64_t' does not name a type

android android-ndk icu

PHP: Unable to load dynamic library intl.so (OSX)

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ICU 58 undefined reference in MSYS2/MinGW64

icu mingw-w64

How do I patch libxml2 so it will compile with ICU support when using a prefix?

c makefile libxml2 icu

Include ICU in Android NDK Project

Is ICU a private framework on iOS?

iphone ios rules icu

Transliterate Latin to ancient Greek letters

r string icu stringi

what languages are supported in icu collation?

collation icu

Is it a good idea to use Gettext and ICU MessageFormat combined?

Qt was built without ICU support, WebKit was disabled. VS2012

qt5 icu

formatting numbers(spellout) with icu4j

java icu

Generate or find C headers for ICU core on OSX

c macos osx-mavericks icu

Using text-icu library in Haskell on Mac OS

haskell cabal icu