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New posts in stringi

Exclude "I" and "O" from alpha-numeric id in stringi character set

How to split a string from right-to-left, like Python's rsplit()?

r split stringr stringi

How can I split the following string using R?

r regex string stringr stringi

(Skip)(Fail) Parse error with stringi

regex r stringi

Transliterate Latin to ancient Greek letters

r string icu stringi

different output using stringi and gsub (using the same pattern on the same string)

r gsub stringi

How to use back reference with stringi package?

r backreference stringi

Replace letters in a template string in R

r regex string stringi

Retrieving sentence score based on values of words in a dictionary

r dplyr lapply sapply stringi

R Studio installing stringi fails

r stringi

using captured groups in str_replace / stri_replace - stringi vs stringr [duplicate]

r stringi

Difference between `paste`, `str_c`, `str_join`, `stri_join`, `stri_c`, `stri_paste`?

r stringr stringi

Sequentially replace multiple places matching single pattern in a string with different replacements

regex r stringr stringi

Get text from href tag after specific class

r regex stringr stringi

r ngram extraction with regex

regex r stringi

Extract last word in a string after comma if there are multiple words else the first word

Unexpected behaviour with str_replace "NA"

r stringr stringi

package 'stringi' does not work after updating to R3.2.1

r ggplot2 stringi

gsub speed vs pattern length

regex r string gsub stringi