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New posts in backreference

Matching incremental digits in numbers

Use previous backreference as name of named capture group

Problem with RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}, backreference not dispaying in final URL

wrap <b>-tag around first word of string with preg_replace

How to use back reference with stringi package?

r backreference stringi

How to replace exact number of characters in string based on occurrence between delimitors in R

r regex backreference

Backslashes in gsub (escaping and backreferencing)

Match same number of repetitions of character as repetitions of captured group

python regex backreference

Applying a function to a backreference within gsub in R

r backreference

regex: getting backreference to number, adding to it

python regex backreference

Can you use back references in the pattern part of a regular expression?

php regex backreference

How do I use more than nine backreferences in Notepad++ regexp?

Perl Regex Multiple Matches

regex perl backreference

Why not create a backreference?

regex backreference

Are regular expressions (regex) really regular?

Is there an equivalent of "&" in R's regular expressions for backreference to entire match?

Backreference in R

r regex gsub backreference

How to replace multiple matches / groups with regexes?

python regex backreference

What's the best way to clear regex matching variables?

regex perl backreference