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How to store regex match in a variable to use with Search/Replace in Notepad++

regex notepad++

Finding text with a batch file using Notepad++

text batch-file find notepad++

regex matches line break-why?

regex notepad++

Counting characters in a line in notepad++

regex notepad++

How to convert column to a row in notepad++

formatting row notepad++

Notepad++ Regex to find multiple words in a document?

regex search notepad++

How can I duplicate the current line in notepad++?


RegEx to Exclude line using Notepad++ [duplicate]

regex notepad++

Removing lines with less than 10 characters

regex notepad++

Custom regions for code folding in Notepad++

Deleting every 2nd line from a file using Notepad++

regex notepad++

Write text to file in C# with 513 space characters

Haskell Console IO in notepad++

haskell notepad++

Convert Notepad++ syntax highlighting file to vim (or does anyone have a q/kdb+ vim syntax highlight file?)

Regex: switch words position in notepad++

regex notepad++

Notepad++:: Completely remove lines that contains question mark via Regex

Regexp for "either/or" but not "neither"

regex notepad++

Notepad++ Regex: Find all 1 and 2 letter words

regex notepad++

regex - notepad++ - search for a string containing a string and not containing another string

regex notepad++

Notepad++: Mark Column until End of File
