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New posts in vim-syntax-highlighting

Convert Notepad++ syntax highlighting file to vim (or does anyone have a q/kdb+ vim syntax highlight file?)

Strange changing background color in VIM solarized

Customizing Syntax Highlighting in Vim

Syntax highlighting in terminal vim but not gVIM

Changing filetype based on file extention in vim

Vim syntax highlighting - exclude specific text from a pattern

Vim maths syntax highlighting

Vim HereDoc Highlighting

HTML syntax highlighting in javascript strings in vim

Highlight tabs in vim when expandtab is set

In VIM, is there any way to define syn region for template angle brackets without clashing with less than sign?

Changing text selection color in visual mode in vim

vim syntax: match only when between other matches

How do you use buffer-local autocommands in VimScript?

VIM highlight matching begin/end

Multiline Comments Syntax Coloring in VIM for TeX Files

Vim wrong syntax highlighting in Groovy

Ruby-like Syntax Highlighting in VIM for Thor

Syntax Highlighting for .gitignore in Vim?