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knitr pandoc: "cannot produce pdf output with pdf writer"

r pdf markdown knitr pandoc

Displaying an image in a github readme

github markdown

How to embed a YouTube video in Markdown with Redcarpet for Rails?

R Markdown 2 to EPUB How?

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Replacing <hr> line with with a custom glyph

A gulp workflow with markdown and nunjucks

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How to automatically create README.md markdown of directory tree listing

Indent without adding a bullet point or number in RMarkdown output to PDF

r pdf markdown indentation

Markdown enumerated list with indices over 99 changes nested list formatting


AWS Codecommit Markdown embedded pictures images

Running tests against code examples in a README.md?

Is it possible to convert a markdown file with html into pdf?

Creating custom component with <img> for markdown gatsbyjs

Display mathematics symbols in Typora


how to insert an image in jupyter markdown in windows?

I can't get code to post in a question - it "appears" there is unformatted code but there is not


C#/.NET library for source code formatting, like the one used by Stack Overflow?

In Markdown, how to format italicized text in a quotation?

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Use a specific class depending on bullet with Markdown/Pandoc

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python regex fails to identify markdown links

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