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New posts in typography

Replacing <hr> line with with a custom glyph

How to create truely responsive typography in CSS3 relative to screen width

css font-size typography

Vertically align tops of blocks of text in WPF

c# wpf fonts typography

How to batch create icon webfonts in windows from SVG files

Typography.Capitals not working on Windows 7

c# wpf typography smallcaps

Components of Compund Glyphs in OpenType/TrueType

How to wrap a class around the first half of a headline?

Italicize labels of only one legend in ggplot

r plot ggplot2 legend typography

How to use proper apostrophes in HTML instead of "dumb quotes"?

html css typography

How does Zurb's Foundation 4 calculate Typography?

Limit text to x number of lines and append '...'

UIFont: How to use Stylistic Alternate character?

ios swift uifont typography

What is the meaning Flutter's width metrics for the Paragraph class?

flutter dart typography

How to specify a web safe user default font if google font is not available

Is it possibly to keep vertical rhythm using only css?

javascript css typography

Material Design Typography - Headlines, Titles, Spacing, Text Appearance