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New posts in android-5.0-lollipop

Android L setEnterTransition not working

Ripple drawable in xml not working

Android Lollipop App Notification Settings

Animate the stroke width of a Shape

Android app crash NoClassDefFoundError on Samsung Lollipop devices

Expand and contract views smoothly

Error:compileSdkVersion android-21 requires compiling with JDK 7 - windows

setColorFilter doesn't seem to work on kitkat

how to reference ActionBar title View on Lollipop

Location returns 0.0 with WIFI/3G/4G in Lollipop 5.0.2

Fatal Exception: NoSuchMethodError: No static method setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener

EditText hint not showing in 5.0.1

Android L ActionBarActivity using Feinstein SldingMenu and AppCompat v21 is cut off at bottom of the screen

AlertDialog Buttons not wrapping in Lollipop

Can't get rid of shadow under Android Button

How to remove this gray color from topbar/status bar

Animation actionBar material design

Extend RecyclerView : Error Inflating Class com.example.MyRecyclerView

Android toolbar filling entire screen

Android L: Fast scroll for the RecyclerView