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New posts in android-alertdialog

How to set Alert text size in alert dialog

AlertDialog with two Edits - when press Button ok --> start new Alert

Unable to add window -- token null is not for an application from Service

Customizing default Theme.AppCompat.Dialog.Alert with android.support.v7.app.AlertDialog

Android Alert Dialog - How to change the title color and the text color without changing the primary color

Android AlertDialog Box Not Showing

pop up alert dialog box from service in android [closed]

Google Maps API v2 legal notices String too much long

MaterialComponents AlertDialog text color

Android AlertDialog The specified child already has a parent Exception

Keyevent to click on Alert Dialog of Android screen

Weird black line above DialogFragment AlertDialog

How can I set an AlertDialog item height?

How to remove white space or color around AlertDialog

Alertdialog in Material Design

DatePickerDialog has blacked out buttons in androidx.fragment.app.DialogFragment

How can I customize the header layout of a dialog

How to remove black border from AlertDialog builder

AlertDialog with ArrayAdapter not showing list of items

Changing the color of dialog multichoice items