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Service call isms with ADB shell (Android SDK)?

android shell sdk sms adb

Google Play installed on Genymotion fails to start

How to move spcific apps to/from sd card using ADB?

android adb android-sdcard

Android Studio wont recognize Nexus 7 as device

adb wait-for-devices timeout/nonblocking?

Set GPS location in Android Studio while debugging app

How to debug what's wrong if app crashes only in release mode

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Samsung Galaxy S adb driver details?

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adb no permissions error suddenly [closed]

android adb udev dragonboard

Extract database of an application from android device through adb

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Android adb wireless debugging with USB accessory

adb protocol failure using install and push

USB Debugging Moverio on Mac

android adb

Use android adb shell to return one activity

android shell adb

What is adb command to list all the browsers installed on android device?

java android adb

preferred_network_mode values for GWL/LTE ONLY/WCDMA ONLY/GSM using adb

Android Studio: "Unable to obtain result of 'adb version'"

android-studio adb

Get configured wifis with ADB

android adb

"adb root" command returns "adbd cannot run as root in production builds" even on an emulator?

android adb

Always run adb as root on a rooted device

android adb root