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New posts in google-play

How do I sign an Android APK which was built with PhoneGap Build?

Google Play installed on Genymotion fails to start

Later implementing inapp purchase for free app android

Android verify IAP subscription server side with Ruby

Android Studio release build not zipaligning

Android app got suspended on Google Play Store on first publish [closed]

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Detect if the user rated the app in Android

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Google play(market) notifications of new ratings comments

google play maximum number of (free) apps per accountº [closed]

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When updating an Android app does the APK need to be named the same as the original?

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What happens when I "remove" a paid app from the Apple and Android App Store?

Submitting apps to Google Play [closed]

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Android app compatibility issues with Nexus 6

Didn't find class "com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.AdvertisingIdClient"

How to restrict who can download my app in google play store? [closed]

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What evil happens when somebody steals my release key for android apps?

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Google PlayStore warning : once the update is complete, they will no longer install APK targeting 22 version of the SDK or earlier

Play store is showing 0 supported devices with same code

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Google Sign-in not working after releasing signed APK in Alpha testing

Increase margin on App Store badge to match size of Google Play Store badge

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