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New posts in phonegap-build

How do I sign an Android APK which was built with PhoneGap Build?

unable to create app, invalid file type in Phonegap build

How to implement Google Analytics in hybrid mobile apps?

PhoneGap Android from 3.7.0 to 4.0.2 cross-domain XHR 404's

Adobe build doesn't accept any plugins in my config.xml file (malformed config.xml)

Cordova build problems after import google play service

Can I run cordova app in background

How to get started using Phonegap Build with a Durandal SPA App?

Meteor android build says "Application not installed"

Where PhoneGap defines project directory?

cordova phonegap-build

Cmd Prompt not detecting keyboard input

Error in build on device Android

Enable cookies for iOS 7 in PhoneGap Build

ios cordova phonegap-build

phonegap pushwoosh plugin registerDevice callback functions never fire on android

How do you set the ip address for Phonegap Developer app

ionic phonegap build and config.xml

Share something to a phonegap app