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New posts in jquery-mobile

Dynamically added radio button does not trigger click function

jquery jquery-mobile

How to try close popup on click button after executing some code?


JQM Padding With Hidden Elements

local storage vs Web SQL

jQuery find phone numbers on page and wrap in <a href="tel: "> links

Backbone and jqm: back button how to restore page context

How can I make an image responsive in a bootstrap modal?

Detect swipe from edge in jQuery Mobile

Collapsible listview in a jquery mobile external panel not displaying correctly


Android Chrome - Keypress event is not returning any key data (jQuery)?

Chrome SecurityError loading jQuery Mobile page from local file system

Using hyphens in argument names

jquery mobile - appending html content and applying JQuery mobile's styles

Jquery Mobile - $(document).ready not firing

Jquery Mobile Multiline Button


Jquery mobile page not loading correctly on Netherlands 3G connections

iphone jquery-mobile 3g

What's the fastest way to load a large nested list in jQuery Mobile?


Get Data from a Web Page, then Display It On Another Web Page

Why do elements loaded with $.ajax() exhibit no jQuery Mobile CSS?

css ajax jquery-mobile

jQuery Mobile - Enable scrolling disable page dragging