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Detect swipe from edge in jQuery Mobile

I want to detect if users swipe from the edge or not before I open the panel with $("#panel").panel("open");. Here is the code

var data = event.originalEvent.touches ? event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event,
    coords = [data.pageX, data.pageY];


However the coords didn't return anything because I got error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'touches' of undefined

  1. So is there a way to get coordinate when swipe happens?

  2. Or is there an easy way to detect if the staring position is from the left edge instead?


like image 953
HP. Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 13:03


2 Answers

Try below in jqm 1.4+, worked for me, adjust the edge trim value accordingly, 50 was good for me

$( "div.ui-page" ).on( "swiperight", function( e ) {
    if ( e.swipestart.coords[0] <50) {
    // your logic 

this is for x coordinate similarly you can get y from coords[1]

like image 100
Deepu Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 21:03


this will work for any screen size:

$("#main").on("swiperight",function( event ){
   // take 15% of screen good for diffrent screen size
   var window_width_15p = $( window ).width() * 0.15;
   // check if the swipe right is from 15% of screen (coords[0] means X)
   if ( event.swipestart.coords[0] < window_width_15p) {
      // open your panel
like image 40
Danny Michaeli Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 21:03

Danny Michaeli