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New posts in backbone-routing

Backbone and jqm: back button how to restore page context

Routing.navigate vs document.location.hash

how to switch views with the backbone.js router?

Backbone.js Router doesn't fire on page init

Managing views with routers in Backbone.js

backbone.js routing when query passed to route contains /

Backbone Route is not called

How do I create dynamic URL's with Meteor?

Optional route parameters in Backbone.js? (again)

Backbone router for two dimensional menu: advice

Backbone Router in IE

redirect route to another

How to define/use several routings using backbone and requirejs

How disable Backbone.js routing on initial page load

Need help understanding the basics of nested views in backbone

How should I bootstrap my web app using Backbone.Marionette and requireJs

Alternative to the Backbone router without hash fallbacks and better back/forward state support?

Circular Dependencies for a web app using backbone.marionette and requireJs

Backbone pushState and error 404