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New posts in marionette

Google Maps v3 + Backbone + Marionette: Map fails to render the second time

Proper way to get ui element with jquery inside a ItemView Marionette.js

Serving client side Jade templates

Extending a custom Backbone.Marionette view. How to implicitly incur prototype's events/onRender?

Backbone.Radio: what's the advantage of commands and requests over events

Routing.navigate vs document.location.hash

Routing in Backbone.js / Marionette.js - no hashtags, route list and sub-routers

What's the difference between Marionette's Application.execute and Application.trigger methods?

backbone.js marionette

Backgrid integration

Backbone: How to bind arguments for listenTo-callback?

How to use EJS templates with backbone.marionette?

Change Marionette ItemView template dynamically

backbone.marionette + i18n + handlebars

Backbone.Marionette Layout to consume the events triggered from a child view in one of it's regions

ChildView error with Marionette app

backbone.js marionette

Backbone Model gives this.set not a function in Model.initialize

Capture scroll event on div

Rendering Twitter Bootstrap compliant tab mark-up with Backbone.Marionette

Shared Collections Between Modules


Marionette.CompositeView, how to pass parameters to Marionette.ItemView