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New posts in pushstate

HTML5 history APi

html pushstate

DataCloneError: The object could not be cloned

Get previous location in Angularjs ui-router

Html4 browsers does not support history.pushState and history.replaceState methods of History API from HTML5

Twitter share button: share hash part of URL?

window.history.pushState not going back in history

jquery ajax html pushstate

pushState with Rails ajax

php ZMQ push integration over http

Yeoman backbonejs with pushstate causing issues with grunt-contrib-connect

History pushState and cache page

Run dynamically injected javascript in DOM loaded via AJAX (attempting to ajaxify website with history.js)

Express node worked as pushState enabled server serve any static resource without any path prefix

pjax submit form URL redirection

httpd.conf and HTML5 pushstate()

browser back and forward button does not invoke callback method with statechange event of history.js

AngularJS: Relative link paths are broken when html5mode(true) is on

Using HTML5 pushState() in IE9

javascript html pushstate