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New posts in popstate

Can I implement my own Symfony2 annotations easily?

Two clicks at back button are necessary to trigger popstate/statechange event

History pushState and cache page

addEventListener("popstate") not firing for .document

javascript ajax popstate

pushState() and popState(): manipulating browsers' history

How to listen for changes to window.location.search in 2019

How to get Firefox to fire the popstate event when going back from a page on a different domain?

binding popstate event not working

Pop the last state from history

HTML5 History API back button with partial page loads

How to ignore popstate initial load, working with pjax

jquery ajax pjax popstate

In iOS 7 Safari, how do you differentiate popstate events via edge swipe vs. the back/fwd buttons?

window.onpopstate is not working; nothing happens when I navigate back to page

javascript history popstate

How can I get the url of the previous page when triggering the popstate event?

Is it possible to e.preventDefault in window.onPopState?

PJAX: Problems with back button

Chrome popstate not firing on Back Button if no user interaction

javascript popstate