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New posts in phonegap-plugins

Plugin Phonegap Power Management

Candy Crush Saga Type countdown life system jQuery & Phonegap

Ionic platform events not working

Can't upload base64 image using cordova-plugin-file-transfer

How to run a PhoneGap app with Sqlite in Ripple?

Updating Cordova Plugin results in failed plugin

Cordova 3.3 Pause and Resume recording using Media API

Accessing Github behind corporate proxy Node.js

Can I run cordova app in background

Signature Capture within PhoneGap

How install/ uninstall apk android with phoneGap?

How to get Path for local mp3 file from www in Phonegap IOS?

Best database option for PhoneGap applications? [closed]

"plugins is not defined" in PhoneGap Application

cordova phonegap-plugins

Phonegap video capture crashes

Using TypeScript with PhoneGap/Cordova Plugins

Phonegap 3.0.0 - Facebook SDK 3.6 - FB plugin: Facebook connect not found

I am getting an error while installing android platform for Phonegap?