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Google Play installed on Genymotion fails to start

Genymotion 2.0 has no Google Play as several people have reported here.

  • I have Genymotion 2.0 running with ADB. Running as a Galaxy S4 with Android 4.3.

  • I have tried to install and run Google Play 4.5.10 and 4.4.22. Genymotion allows drag and drop of APKs to install.

  • In both cases Google Play installs, I can see it in settings-apps, it is listed as an app, but when I attempt to run it - an app appears to start (white flash) then immediately stops.

  • Can anyone help me past this?

The reasons for this question and the reasons for not using other answered questions is because I do not want to install a new device (the ZEEZOnline solution), and I do not simply need a new account configured (another common response when Google Play is running)

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MEC Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 08:03


1 Answers

Genymotion no longer comes with Google Apps, which is a lot more than just the Play store.

But the good news is you can install the full Google Apps package!

Follow this link, which will point you to the full Google Apps package, which you can install in genymotion by dragging and dropping.

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athor Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 23:03
