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Android NDK. No C/C++ section in Eclipse project properties

I am trying to follow the instructions specified here to install OpenCV for Wlipse.

The instructions state:

Open Project Properties -> C/C++ Build, and replace “Build command” text to "${NDKROOT}/ndk-build"

However, if I open my Project Properties I have no C/C++ section.

I am using Android SDK ADT Bundle for OSX

I have downloaded the NDK

I have set the NDK location under ADT->Properties->Android->NDK

I have validated that the Android Native Dev Tools and C/C++ Dev Tools are installed

I have imported the project correctly

Why don't I have a C/C++ section under Project->Properties

Next problem.

Ok I have found how to add the c/c++ build command thanks to srikanth gr

Now when i try and build the OpenCV Library I get the following error

OpenCV.mk: No such file or directory

the current reference in the jni/Android.mk is

include OpenCV.mk

I did a search on my system and no OpenCV.mk file exists. There is a OpenCV.mk.in. Do i need to build that to create the OpenCV.mk? If so how?


like image 705
user2872885 Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 16:03


1 Answers

Your description lacks right click on project, "Android Tools" -> "Add NativeSupport..."

like image 89
Alex Cohn Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 00:04

Alex Cohn