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New posts in root

Open sqlite-database of another app on Android with root-access

android sqlite root

Is it safe to disable com.android.systemui?

How execute commands as another user during provisioning on Vagrant?

Why is running Quake II as root stupid?

c root quake

how to get root access on android 2.3 emulator

Running an app with root permission in Android

android permissions root su

android - changing the system settings of a rooted device from inside the app

android root

Going root when writing to file/saving file?

emacs root privileges

Stop being root in the middle of a script that was run with sudo

linux bash shell root sudo

Why can't my Android app (has root privilege) access /dev/input?

Laravel Forge Cannot run sudo command

On OS X, what is the proper setting for $QTDIR?

macos qt root

Programmatically requesting elevated rights in Linux

linux qt root maemo root-access

android - FileExplorer eclipse as root

android eclipse sqlite root ddms

Always run adb as root on a rooted device

android adb root

Why does `sched_setscheduler()` require root priveledges?

c linux linux-kernel root

System call open C can't print file content if the file is not opened as sudo

How can i set a new Root viewController in Swift 4?

Copy folders in /data/data to sdcard & vice-versa

why do i get a Segmentation fault error when i exec "pm" on an android device?