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New posts in terminal-emulator

how to get root access on android 2.3 emulator

Writing a Linux Terminal emulator

ANSI escape sequence for collapsing/folding text (maybe hierarchically)

Shift key doesn't work in my emacs

Android: How to create a notification from the command line (terminal emulator or shell script)?

How to make ls | less colorful?

bash pipe terminal-emulator

iTerm2 hide marks

iterm2 terminal-emulator

Lines vs rows in the terminal

MySQL command output too wide in command-line client [duplicate]

How can I make my terminal prompt extend the width of the terminal?

Neovim terminal emulator configuration for Windows 10

Executing python script in android terminal emulator

Is there a way to make regions in term modes respect line wrapping?

emacs terminal-emulator

How to programmatically determine character dimensions of my terminal window?

Bash script for notification when internet is accessible

A terminal-like window for wxWidgets?

Python terminal emulation

Why am I seeing only 8 colors in terminal (xfce-terminal)?