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Where does bash prompt escape sequence \h get the hostname from?

bash centos7 hostname ps1

echo $PS1 in script

bash shell ps1

Dynamic elements in bash PS1

git bash prompt ps1

Getting a dynamic bash prompt PS1 right

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PS1 bash command substitution not working on windows 10

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Dynamic change bash prompt according to path

How do I set $? in functions called by PS1?

zsh agnoster theme chagne prompt/ps1

zsh prompt ps1

How can I make my terminal prompt extend the width of the terminal?

Changing Prompt from Shell Script? [duplicate]

bash shell ps1

Bash printf %q invalid directive

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Anaconda environment bash prefix too long

bash anaconda python-venv ps1

bash: How to evaluate PS1, PS2, ...? [duplicate]

bash evaluate ps1

Bash PS1 shows $ instead of # for root

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PS1 env cannot parse on the new mac Catalina

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How to add an icon to the bash prompt

linux bash shell fedora ps1

Simplifying advanced Bash prompt variable (PS1) code

bash ps1

Use PS0 and PS1 to display execution time of each bash command

bash shell ps1

bash __git_ps1 command not found

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PS1 env variable does not work on mac

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