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New posts in .bash-profile

Alias defined in .bash_profile not working in OS X

macos bash shell .bash-profile

After enabling login prompt I have no shell colors

Can I conditionally activate the Git prompt depending on the repository I'm in?

My .bash_profile is locked. How do I edit it? [closed]

macos .bash-profile

Dynamic change bash prompt according to path

Modularizing and distributing bash script via Homebrew

bash homebrew .bash-profile

How do I create an alias for a .jar command-line script?

How to add color to bash output of `git diff --name-status` by file status?

How do I set $? in functions called by PS1?

Open new tab terminal reset gemset by rvm

Setting environment variables for Sublime Text on OSX desktop

How to paste columns from multiple files in an orderly way?

Appending to $PATH vs using aliases: Which is better?

bash path alias .bash-profile

adding ~/bin directory in your path [closed]

port command not found

mvn -version error: We cannot execute /usr/libexec/java_home/bin/java

If there is a colon (:) in the directory name, how could I add it to $PATH? [duplicate]

macos bash path .bash-profile

Where was scala_home homebrew installed on OSX?

scala .bash-profile

What means 'bin' in '$ bin/rails?'

locate my bash configuration file

bash .bash-profile