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Is it valid to have XML attributes on newlines?

xml xml-parsing sublimetext

SublimeREPL: Python - RUN Current File

Sublime Text modifying Linux mousemap to use 4th mouse button

How to Add tab space to multilple line at the same time in any text editor

How to Access a Class through "Ctrl+Click" in Sublime Text 3

Can I debug a Grails application with a Text Editor such as Sublime Text 2? [closed]

Specific font_face based on syntax in Sublime Text 2

default indentation in sublimetext

sublimetext2 sublimetext

How to replace within a capture group

regex sublimetext

Sublime Text 3 - 'Find in Files' in Subdirectory/Subfolder of Project Source Tree

sublimetext3 sublimetext

Sublime Text: how to correct SQL Server syntax

How to display the output panel in Sublime Text

How to do Invert Selection in Sublime text 4?

Sublime Text 3 Doesn't Recognize %i in ruby

Disabling the last tab cursor movement in a Sublime Text snippet

Removed hyphen from word_separators, ctrl+d no longer makes sense

Selecting text including $ in Sublime Text 3

Sublime Text 3 deleted my folder under /Packages

How do I edit HTML.tmLanguage in sublime on mac osx

How do I change the number of indent guide lines in Sublime Text 2?

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