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SublimeREPL: Python - RUN Current File

With python script currently opened in SublimeText I'm choosing:

Tools > SublimeREPL > Python > RUN Current File

Sublime executes the script in a new interactive REPL[python] window (this window is still inside of Sublime).

After the python script execution is finished Sublime types:

Repl Closed

I now can start typing the python commands into this interactive window below "Repl Closed" message. But when I press an Enter key the editor simply advances to a new line when I expect it to Execute a line I just typed. Please advise what key (if any) should be used to run typed command.

like image 987
alphanumeric Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 00:03


1 Answers

First, go to Tools -> SublimeREPL -> Python -> Python to start a new Python REPL. You can then use the commands in Tools -> SublimeREPL -> Eval in REPL and Transfer to REPL to transfer and/or evaluate pieces of your code in the running interpreter. When that code is done running, the REPL stays open, allowing you to enter new commands as you'd expect.

like image 82
MattDMo Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 02:04
