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Installing pip3 with a virtualenv

I am trying to clean up a few things now that I have Mavericks. I used Homebrew to install python 2.7 and 3.3. I also have their respective pips. Now I want to have a sane virtualenv setup.

I see from virtualenv with python2 and python3 via Homebrew that I can specify which version of python a newly-created virtualenv will use. What is the best (i.e., easiest to use/remember) way to make sure that a virtualenv using Python 3.3 uses pip3?

ETA: I've not had to use 3.3 before, so this is my first experience trying to maintain different versions. Sorry if this has an obvious answer.

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verbsintransit Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 02:03


1 Answers

Credit goes to scythargon for this one (left in a comment to Kristof's answer in this thread) and, since it did exactly what I needed, I figured it deserved its own answer.

When creating a virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper use the -p flag to explicitly associate it with a specific version of Python. In the examples below replace {virtualenv_name} with your intended virtual environment name:

Python 3.3:

$ mkvirtualenv {virtualenv_name} -ppython3.3

Python 3.4:

$ mkvirtualenv {virtualenv_name} -ppython3.4

Python 2.7:

$ mkvirtualenv {virtualenv_name} -ppython2.7
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respondcreate Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 21:03
