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New posts in text-editor

How to Add tab space to multilple line at the same time in any text editor

TMemo max width

Can I set the background color of the ABAP editor?

text-editor abap

Change UI font-size in Atom

Who invented zen coding and is there a published specification somewhere?

Is there a decent html editor that works in-browser? [closed]

html text-editor

Mac OSX HTML5&CSS3 Text Editor [closed]

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Change specific String attributes in StyledDocument

Why doesn't gvim set the font correctly?

vim editor text-editor

How to display the output panel in Sublime Text

Preferred path to applications on OSX?

macos text-editor

Windows text editor that shows/hides lines based on RegEx or Grep syntax?

Ugly looking selection in Visual Studio 2012 text editor

Can you do complex editing of Word Documents in a browser?

What are some common character encodings that a text editor should support?

Syntax highlighting in terminal vim but not gVIM

Does emacs support multi column editing?

emacs text-editor

Creating a syntax highlighter in python(PyQt4)

Writing code as string with syntax highlighting

JSLint throwing error when using console.log() [duplicate]

javascript text-editor