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How to insert a backslash?


C Comment in Emacs - Linux Kernel Style

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Emacs: can I limit a number of lines in a buffer

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increment numbers in visual vertical block selection in emacs evil

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Does there exist an emacs intelligent parenthesis matching plugin/configuration?

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Creating a POST with url elisp package in emacs: utf-8 problem

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strtotime for Emacs Lisp

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Can an elisp piece of code "yield" so emacs doesn't block?

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Changing font-lock color in SMerge mode

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How do I get emacs to write to read-only files automatically?

emacs elisp

Run a process and get the result in clipboard (or kill ring) with elisp/emacs


How to wait for / capture aysnchronous shell command output in emacs lisp?


Listing all top level global variables in emacs

Emacs: Problems with activating mark in an interactive command

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Highlight which of the file names in emacs buffer are missing

How can I cons a list of pairs on to auto-mode-alist?

emacs elisp

How to evaluate parts of a quoted expression in Emacs Lisp

emacs elisp

Associate ` to <S-dead-grave> in Emacs

emacs elisp

How to get file list by extension?


Emacs lisp evaluate variable in alist

emacs lisp elisp