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New posts in geany

How to Add tab space to multilple line at the same time in any text editor

In a Jupyter notebook, how can I scroll past the last cell?

ipython geany

How to allow code-folding on Geany IDE?

How do I integrate Pylint with Geany so that I can use Geany as a python IDE?

python pylint geany

How to add custom template in Geany?

templates ide geany

Auto-correct XML indentation in Geany

xml editor indentation geany

How to increase line padding in Geany IDE?

c++ editor geany

"Go to file" feature in various editors

How to config Geany to build and execute at the same time?


XDebug with Geany?

php xdebug geany

using geany with python virtual environment

python geany

how to close geany terminal

bash ubuntu geany

Rstudio editor snippets

r rstudio geany

Geany: Syntax highlighting for custom filetype for SOME words

Why does geany use #~ for comments in bash instead of just #?

bash geany

Are negative lookbehind in regex searches possible in Geany?

How can I disable automatic highlighting of the current line in Geany?

highlight geany

What is the location of the Geany preferences/settings files?


How can I sort lines in Geany?
