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New posts in fuzzy-search

Get minimal shared part between elements of string's vector

Android & fuzzy matching, n-gram, and Levenshtein distance

A good django search app? — How to perform fuzzy search with Haystack?

Inexact searching for nearest time value

Using Levenshtein function on each element in a tsvector?

How to String.Contains() the Fuzzy way in C#?

c# fuzzy-search

SQL Pattern for matching via a translation table

fast approximate string matching in a large array in ruby

Elasticsearch Suggest+Synonyms+fuzziness

"Go to file" feature in various editors

Elasticsearch - Check if document is contained in query using synonyms

How to enable fuzziness for phrase queries in ElasticSearch

How to implement a fast fuzzy-search engine using BK-trees when the corpus has 10 billion unique DNA sequences?

Elastic search fuzzy match with exact matches showing first

Fuzzy searching a large set of data efficiently?

approximate search in a database

Generate misspelled words (typos)

python nlp fuzzy-search