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New posts in tsvector

Is there any reason to include a `tsvector` column in a postgres table rather than in the index?

postgresql tsvector

Using Levenshtein function on each element in a tsvector?

Make postgres full text search (tsvector) act like ILIKE to search inside words?

Disabling the PostgreSQL 8.4 tsvector parser's `file` token type

postgresql parsing tsvector

Fulltext search combined with fuzzysearch in PostgreSQL

Retrieving position and number of lexem occurrences from tsvector

PostgreSQL: How to go around ts_vector size limitations?

tsvector in sqlalchemy

sqlalchemy tsvector

"invalid input syntax for type numeric" for entering "emptyness"

Postgres full text search: Multiple columns, cross table

Concat two postgresql tsvector fields originating in separate tables into single postgresql view to enable joined full text search

Match a phrase ending in a prefix with full text search

Ruby on Rails: How to sanitize a string for SQL when not using find?

Rails migrations with database-specific data types

Apply postgreSQL trigger to existing rows in database

Postgres full text search across multiple related tables

"to_tsquery" on tsvector yields different results when using "simple" and "english"?