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rails - Search Controller

How to enable :tsearch dictionary for pg_search multi-search?

ruby-on-rails pg-search

pg_search exact match of search terms

Rails : Cannot include PgSearch Module provided by the pg_search Gem

pg_search gem and fulltext search rank setting

How to make a search results page with pg_search multisearch that has links to the results?

Full-text search on Heroku using pg_search gem

Rails 4.1.1 w/ pg_search - "PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near "AS"" Bug

Matching special characters (e.g. #, +) using pg_search

How to use postgres extensions on Heroku? And how to handle their migrations?

Why does pg_search prefix not work like I expect?

Is there a way to use facets with the pg_search gem

Error with pg_search multisearch after initializing tsearch, trigram

pg_search using associated_against gives error "column [model_name].[associated_column_name] does not exist"

PostgreSQL: How to go around ts_vector size limitations?

pg_search: ordering of "multisearchable" results

ruby-on-rails pg-search

How can ransack use pg_search?