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New posts in rails-postgresql

postgresql 9.3 log slow queries

postgres/postgreSQL FATAL: database "ew_dev" does not exist

rails select with includes

Use "database users" to authenticate in Ruby on Rails

Rails postgis adapter makes lot of queries in table "geometry_columns"

JSON data type in Rails4 form_for

Checking if activerecord is locked in "updating" status

Find values greater than using hstore and rails

Rails - Postgres - could not connect to server: Connection refused (PG::ConnectionBad)

RSpec, Rails 4, Postgres, UUID primary keys: id is null with Rake + RSpec, but is fine in RSpec or console

Group_by - Ruby/Rails + Postgres

ERROR: function unnest(integer[]) does not exist in postgresql

Can't store array in json field in postgresql (rails) can't cast Array to json

Cannot create test database in rails 3.2 with postgres

Can Postgres silently ignore column constraint conflicts?

Replace NULL values in an array in PostgreSQL

Rails - How to add a BLOB column using ActiveRecord?

Heroku db:push fails with segfault

heroku rails-postgresql