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Capybara choose("radio button") not working

Is there any difference between a feature spec and a view spec?

factory girl and nested_attributes in rails 3

What are the right parameters for a rspec put request on my stub

Automatically re-run rspec example if a Timeout::Error occurs

rspec rspec2 rspec-rails

How to replace Rspec's ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test' deprecated in Rails 3.0?

How to fix my RSpec syntax for version 2.99?

Shoulda-matchers are not seen by rails/rspec

How to debug rake spec not executing tests; infinite hanging issue (rails 3)

Rails 4 and RSpec, undefined method `assertions' in routing spec

Gem tests can't find route using url_for

Creating a record does not appear to persist to the test database, rspec, factory_girl_rails

Generating random number of length 6 with SecureRandom in Ruby

RSpec MustBeConfiguredBeforeExampleGroupsError on plain project

Multiple Rails engine rspec controller test not work

Define class in Rspec

Cookies do not persist in Rspec on rails 3.1